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Two career starters dive into the world of LED technology

Als „einen jährlichen Leuchtpunkt im Terminkalender“, beschreibt Harald Kilian, Inhaber und Geschäftsführer der microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, den Ausbildungsstart bei der Begrüßung der neuen Auszubildenden am Firmensitz in Windischeschenbach. Leuchtpunkte sind ab sofort auch das tägliche Geschäft der beiden neuen Auszubildenden Valentin Heid und Jonas Popp – beim Systemanbieter für Anzeige- und Kommissioniertechnik dreht sich seit über 35 Jahren (fast) alles um den vielfältigen Einsatz von Leuchtdioden.

Harald Kilian, owner and managing director of microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, describes the start of training as "an annual beacon in the calendar" when welcoming the new apprentices at the company headquarters in Windischeschenbach. From now on, luminous points are also the daily business of the two new apprentices Valentin Heid and Jonas Popp - at the system provider for display and commissioning technology, (almost) everything has revolved around the diverse use of light-emitting diodes for over 35 years.

Hand in hand: trainers and apprentices for a good start in working life

Valentin Heid learns everything about administration, accounting, sales and co. within three years as an office management assistant. With a talent for technical things, Jonas Popp, as an electronics technician for devices and systems, dives into the realm of diodes, circuits and programming of display and commissioning solutions. They are always assisted by their trainers Katja Ermer for the office management assistants and Werner Weidl for the electronics technicians, as well as by the apprentices from the higher training years. Explicitly, one apprentice takes on the role of "mentor" for the young professionals. "Tanja Käß and Leon Kramer are both in their third year of apprenticeship and are therefore familiar with all the processes related to apprenticeship, company and vocational school. They are available to the new apprentices with advice and support as well as an open ear as peers", the trainers Ermer and Weidl explain the sponsor system that has been tried and tested for several years and established at microSYST. 

Shaping the future: High apprenticeship rate and chances of being taken on

For career starters Valentin Heid and Jonas Popp, the first day of their apprenticeship was still a dream of the future, but the chances of being taken on after the apprenticeship are good at microSYST. "We see in-company training in conjunction with a high takeover rate as paving the way for the successful continuation of the company," emphasises Managing Director Manuel Raß. This also explains the high apprenticeship rate: at microSYST, at around 15 percent, this is far above the industry and national average.