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“microSYST Goes University” – Career Day at the OTH Amberg-Weiden

On Wednesday, 11 May, microSYST presented itself to the numerous students at the career day of OHT Amberg-Weiden. According to the technical college, a total of 83 companies attended the fair – evidence for the events growing popularity.Of course, microSYST could not miss that opportunity. 

Numerous interested students, mostly specialising in electrical engineering and information technology, informatics and business engineering, visited the company’s booth. For demonstration purposes, microSYST brought excerpts of their whole product range, ranging from display systems to order picking systems.

Most of the prospective technicians and engineers opportunities asked for practical business insights in the form of internships or theses. microSYST convinced with the multitude options, interesting young contacts were made. All around a convincing and successful day - the careerday in Amberg. 

Images from careerday we have captured with the camera for you, just take a look in our the rubric Media.

microSYST is looking forward to well-known and new faces in the coming year, when once again: "microSYST goes university".