There are almost exactly eleven kilometres between the Erbendorf industrial park and the Neuhaus industrial park. And it was precisely this distance that had to be "bridged" in the course of the first Recruiting Day on 9 July: In addition to the station with a trade fair stand in Erbendorf, microSYST also gave all interested parties the opportunity to visit the company headquarters in Neuhaus.
From Erbendorf ...
The training and job application day kept its promise of an exciting adventure for career starters and job seekers: Already at the starting signal at 10 a.m. there was a lively crowd. Pupils and their parents primarily took advantage of the opportunity to get an impression of the numerous training companies in the region. At the microSYST stand, visitors were given an insight into the world of LEDs. Several display systems were set up, especially one with a coupled scale, which attracted a lot of attention. Another crowd puller - microSYST estimates around 130 stand visitors - once again proved to be the raffle designed by trainees with the help of LED lighting technology. "Even other exhibitors spoke to us enthusiastically about the raffle and our versatile product range," says Managing Director Harald Kilian, who was himself present at the stand. In order to ensure that the information content was not neglected in addition to the apparent attractions, he, production manager Werner Weidl, developer Konstantin Andes, management assistant Lisa Hecht and apprentice Valentin Heid were available to answer questions from interested visitors - not only, but especially on the topics of training, internships or career opportunities for skilled workers.
There was almost no way around microSYST at the Recruiting Day: in addition to the trade fair stand, Kilian and his team also provided a mobile LED display for the rest and food area, on which the company logos of all exhibitors were alternately displayed.
... to Windischeschenbach
The parallel open day in Windischeschenbach was far less crowded for microSYST, but the opportunity to visit the company building, including its own development and production facilities, was nevertheless well received. In addition to managing director Manuel Rass, purchaser Inga Helgert, trainer Moritz Busl and Bernhard Zenker from the production/service department took care of the visitors' new and inquisitive minds. Numerous application examples on large displays or a measured value visualisation in real time were also demonstrated. Playful moments were provided by the video game developed by microSYST itself, including controllers built in-house, which invited visitors to play games à la Pacman on a large LED display. Of course, there was no shortage of food on site - with Oberpfälzer Leberkäse (meat loaf from the Upper Palatinate) and plenty of drinks, everyone was well catered for, even in the hot summer temperatures.